- Dog heart rate monitoring collarResolva Path & Drive Ready To Use Weed Killer 1L 1L

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Dimensions: 26 x 14 x 7cmResolva Path & Drive is a non Glyphosate formulation Weed Killer that displays fast, visible results within hours all year round. It is ideal to clean Algae on hard surfaces and clears weeds from paths, drive patios & gravel.

Product information

Dimensions: 26 x 14 x 7cm

Resolva Path & Drive is a non Glyphosate formulation Weed Killer that displays fast, visible results within hours all year round. It is ideal to clean Algae on hard surfaces and clears weeds from paths, drive patios & gravel.

Kills Weeds & Moss on Contact, No Glyphosate

Preparation and Usage
Do not use on lawns. For use only as a mosskiller & weedkiller

Instructions for Use
It is good practice to wear gloves when using this product although this is not a requirement.

When to Use - Use on a calm dry day when rain is not expected. Ideally spray in spring and repeat as necessary over the growing season, up to a maximum of 6 applications per year. Do not apply when rainfall is expected within 6 hours of application.

Where to Use - Use to control weed or moss growth around unplanted areas of the garden and around buildings. Best results are achieved against moss and small weeds less than 10cm high. Keep spray off vegetables, flowers, 1 shrubs and lawns.

How to Use - Always read the label before use. Turn nozzle to \spray\ or \stream\ position. Spray the foliage of the weed or moss completely and evenly with the spray until leaves and stems are fully wetted but avoid spray run-off from the leaves (no more than 100 ml/m). Turn nozzle to \stop\ position after use. After spraying, keep people and animals off treated areas until the spray has dried, often just 15-20 minutes. A minimum interval of 7 days must be observed between applications. Rain after spraying may wash spray from the leaves leading to a poor result and re-treatment might be necessary. After spraying, the foliage of treated moss or weeds begins to wither and die. Plant roots are not killed, and new foliage may grow, particularly from the roots of perennial weeds. Annual weeds with small roots and moss may die back completely but re-treatment will usually be necessary after 14 days against surviving moss or weeds, if necessary, when fresh growth is seen and especially to keep down perennial weeds. Use may cause some surfaces to become slippery for a short time after application. There are no residual effects in the soil. Sowing or planting may be undertaken as soon as the weeds or the moss have died.
Package Type
Other Information
Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. Keep product in original container, tightly closed in a safe place.
Protect from frost.

Safety Warning:
Protection during/in use: Do not breathe spray. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. KEEP OFF SKIN. WASH OFF SPLASHES (IMMEDIATELY). Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Environmental protection: Direct spray away from ponds and other surface water bodies. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not spray when weeds are in flower. Risk to non-target insects or other arthropods. Do not empty into drains.

Safety Information
Read label before use. Keep out of reach of children.
If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
To avoid risks to human health and the environment comply with instructions for use.
UK: MAPP 19199 ROI: PCS No: 06570

For ROI only: In the event of emergency, call the National Poisons Information Centre, Beaumont Hospital at 01 809 2166 or 01 837 9964

Additional Information:
Westland Horticulture Limited 2019. Resolva & Syngenta are brands of Syngenta
Westland Horticulture Limited,
14 Granville Industrial Estate,
Granville Road,
Co Tyrone,
BT70 1NJ,
Northern Ireland.

Sipcam UK Ltd.,
4C Archway House,
The Lanterns,
Melbourn Street Royston,
SG8 7BX.
Return To Address
Westland Horticulture Limited,
14 Granville Industrial Estate,
Granville Road,
Co Tyrone,
BT70 1NJ,
Northern Ireland.
For consumer enquiries: Tel: +44 (0) 1480 443 789

Sipcam UK Ltd.,
4C Archway House,
The Lanterns,
Melbourn Street Royston,
SG8 7BX.