- Pet stroller can be taken on the planeBeauFort London Revenants Discovery Set #10087956

Size 5 piece

These Discovery Set from Beaufort London is curated from their 'Revenants' collection, the box stacks neatly amongst your entire collection, or might just be the start...

Each discovery set  contains a code to access a ‘behind the scenes’ area of their website which contains information on each individual fragrance and commentary on their development from their Creative Director. An opportunity to explore their method, their madness, and give an appreciation for what can happen when we step outside the conventional.

Set Includes 2 ml Vials of the following:

: Inspired by these Hogarth’s scenes of degeneracy within the Georgian metropolis, Beaufort London revives their spirit in Rake & Ruin--a fragrance capturing an evening in a tavern, where gin flows, good times are had, and the slide begins…

: A strikingly powerful fragrance with animalic depths, Iron Duke revels in and blurs the man / beast dichotomy. The fragrance creates an apparition of horse and rider: bright metal, cognac, snuff and saddle soap atop a base of oud, animalic leather and hay.

Terror & Magnificence: Like Hawkesmoor's architechtural creations, Terror & Magnificence tips its cap to Ancient Egypt, combining church incense, candle wax, papyrus and kyphi with a wet stone accord reminiscent of that first downpour in London after a hot summer.

Acrasia: 'A rose is a rose is not a rose' All is not always as it first appears. Haunting, powerful, seductive.

Absent Prescence: ‘O absent presence, Stella is not here’ Absent Presence draws inspiration from the Elizabethan poet Sir Philip Sidney. In his Sonnet sequence ‘Astrophel and Stella’ Sidney develops and captures the essence of a haunting… the presence of one that is always felt but never seen.